Founded upon the mindset that your water should look good, smell good and feel good, we developed two unique patented D1® water management systems to enjoy clean* water. The UltraPure™ PLUS system combines ultraviolet light technology and ozone with dual filtration, and the ClearZone® PRO system utilizes ozone in a mixing chamber to reduce off-gassing.
UltraPure™ PLUS (Bay™ & Reflections® Collection)
Combining UV light and ozone and doubling the square feet of filtration even while your spa is in use, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your spa. Standard on Amoré Bay® and Reflections® Collection models.
ClearZone® PRO (@Home® Collection)
The oxygen-based system uses ozone to group smaller debris to form larger clusters that can be more easily captured in the filtration process. Optional on @Home® models.
Vision Cartridge
Optional cartridge provides softer-feeling water when used in combination with any D1® spa model and lasts two months longer than other mineral cartridges.
*Clean is defined as the removal of microscopic (down to 3 µm level, varies by model debris from the water. The UltraPure™ Plus System utilizes various technologies to achieve cleanliness. One of them is ozone, which aids in the grouping of smaller debris to form larger clusters that can be more easily captured in the filtration process.